Product Videos

Product Videos

BVB Green Plus: the next generation of casing soil

270 views May 11, 2023

With BVB Green Plus you get the casing soil performance that you know, and can rely on, with a...

Product Videos

Substrate portfolio Tree Nurseries

187 views June 20, 2022

In this animation, the different specialised product lines of BVB Substrates that are available...

Product Videos

Substraat portfolio boomkwekerijen

58 views April 05, 2022

In deze animatie komen de verschillende gespecialiseerde productlijnen van BVB Substrates aan bod...

Product Videos

BVB College: Organic fertilisers and growth

74 views December 08, 2021

This short explanatory animation is part of a full BVB College about pH values and behaviour of...

Product Videos

BVB College: Raw materials and pH buffer

54 views December 08, 2021

This short explanatory animation is part of a full BVB College about pH values and behaviour of...

Product Videos

BVB College: pH and organic fertilisers

35 views December 08, 2021

This short explanatory animation is part of a full BVB College about pH values and behaviour of...

Product Videos

BVB College: Easily Available Water

42 views December 08, 2021

This short explanatory animation is part of a full BVB College about pH values and behaviour of...

Product Videos

BVB College: Organische meststoffen en groei

85 views February 18, 2021

Deze animatie is onderdeel van een BVB College over organische meststoffen en alternatieve...

Product Videos

BVB College: Grondstoffen en pH-buffer

120 views February 18, 2021

Deze animatie is onderdeel van een BVB College over organische meststoffen en nieuwe groeimedia....

Product Videos

BVB College: pH & organische meststoffen

151 views February 18, 2021

Deze animatie is onderdeel van een BVB College over organische meststoffen en nieuwe groeimedia....

Product Videos

BVB College: Gemakkelijk Beschikbaar Water

173 views February 18, 2021

Deze animatie is onderdeel van een BVB College over organische meststoffen en nieuwe groeimedia....